在Ca亚博体亚博专业买球mfil APC,我们相信呼吸清洁空气是人权。通过提供各种灰尘,烟雾和雾收集器,我们能够为工作场所提供清洁的空气,从而提高员工的健康和安全。除了改善工厂工人的生活外,我们的产品还可以提高当地外部空气的质量,为我们所爱的人提供更健康的环境。
在这一天和年龄,我们都在行动中不断。不幸的是,所有这一切都在工作,学校,差事和家庭之间运行,导致空气污染。According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, transportation contributed to more than half of the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide and almost a quarter of the hydrocarbons emitted into the air in 2013. These pollutants can cause lung irritation, weaken the body’s defenses against respiratory infections and even block oxygen to the brain. Luckily, there are steps we can all take to reduce this air pollution. Sharing rides and carpooling are simple ways to get to work or school as well as public transportation like buses and trains. Many businesses, including Camfil APC, are becoming bicycle friendly by providing bike racks and encouraging employees to pedal to work. Lastly, through clean vehicles and fuel technology, we are seeing reduced air pollution from cars and trucks. How can you help clean the air during your commute?
亚博体亚博专业买球Camfil APC专门从事制造过程清洁粉尘,雾和烟雾。然而,不仅工厂产生空气污染。内部办公室和其他工作场所的室内空气质量对于员工的舒适和健康是重要的。工作场所的空气质量不佳可以与头痛,疲劳,烦恼,眼睛,鼻子,喉咙和肺部刺激。这些空气污染物可能是由差的通风,潮湿环境,温度控制,石棉,氡或最近的重塑引起的。作为一名员工,您可以确保您办公室的空气通过保持空气通风口打开并询问建筑物的供暖,空调和通风系统是否良好维护和运营。妥善储存食物和垃圾,不会带来具有强烈气味的化学品,或者可以发出有害排放。并始终让您的主管或建筑维护了解您可能拥有的疑虑。